...but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm - Proverbs 1:33
Dear Saints in the making,
Here's a question for you,what would you do if you found yourself in the company of a talking donkey ? I understand that even finding a normal non-talking donkey in B'lore is tough,let alone a talking donkey.In-fact I don't even remember seeing a donkey in B'lore ever (except for people sometimes behaving like donkeys that is,me included).But for a moment lets contemplate this impossible scenario,while you are thinking,here are my thoughts on this,I'll first try to understand what the donkey is saying,then if it has something interesting to say I'll indulge in a conversation with it and when it starts getting boring I'll try to sell the donkey thru eBay, if it is an uninteresting donkey I'll immediately try to sell it thru eBay (I believe there are enough schmucks in this world who would like to buy a talking donkey,interesting or un-interesting) both ways - I'll be rich ha ha ha very rich.... ha ha ha ha ha ha
Jokes apart,in the Bible there was this guy who found himself in the company of a talking donkey,his name was Balaam ( Numbers 22-24 ).He was a very influential diviner who, although aware of the true God YAHWEH, made his services available on a freelance basis.He was commissioned by King Balak of Moab to put a curse on the incoming Israelites (BAD IDEA - U don't mess with JEHOVAH's people.Period.) God warns him but he ignores it and chooses to follow his own plans,finally God makes his pet donkey speak to him and thereby gets his attention.Like Balaam many a times we have this inclination of not listening to God's voice and going our own ways.We do have this little voice inside telling us not to go a particular way,but we choose to ignore it.Dearly beloved,as disciples of God,we really only have one job... to follow God and only God.To do what God wants and only what God wants.To say what God would say and only what God would say. As disciples of God and followers of Christ we ought to listen to that small voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us and warning us when on a wrong path.The question is, - "Are we listening to this small voice,or would God our father have to make a donkey speak in our lives to get our attention ? " People,are we listening ?
Open your hearts to the Holy Spirits promptings today.
Dear Saints in the making,
Here's a question for you,what would you do if you found yourself in the company of a talking donkey ? I understand that even finding a normal non-talking donkey in B'lore is tough,let alone a talking donkey.In-fact I don't even remember seeing a donkey in B'lore ever (except for people sometimes behaving like donkeys that is,me included).But for a moment lets contemplate this impossible scenario,while you are thinking,here are my thoughts on this,I'll first try to understand what the donkey is saying,then if it has something interesting to say I'll indulge in a conversation with it and when it starts getting boring I'll try to sell the donkey thru eBay, if it is an uninteresting donkey I'll immediately try to sell it thru eBay (I believe there are enough schmucks in this world who would like to buy a talking donkey,interesting or un-interesting) both ways - I'll be rich ha ha ha
Jokes apart,in the Bible there was this guy who found himself in the company of a talking donkey,his name was Balaam (
Open your hearts to the Holy Spirits promptings today.
God does not command us to live in hair shirts and chains, or to chastise our flesh with scourges, but to love Him above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. - --Saint Charles of Sezze
My hope is in Christ, who strengthens the weakest by His Divine help. I can do all in Him who strengthens me. His Power is infinite, and if I lean on him, it will be mine. His Wisdom is infinite, and if I look to Him for counsel, I shall not be deceived. His Goodness is infinite, and if my trust is stayed in Him, I shall not be abandoned.
luv n prayers,