Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is truly what I need

Lord, much more than profound wisdom and great understanding, I desire a heart that is pure, lowly and contrite. This is truly what I need.


They couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus - Mark 2:4

I have some great make that awesome friends.Friends who have stuck on with me for years.Friends that I can bank upon to stand by me anytime of the day or night.Friends who would bend over backwards to save my skin(this happens a lot).Friends who stimulate me intellectually and with whom I share common interests.Over the years God has given me the grace to befriend some really smart n fun people and I thank God for that.I am sure it is the same for all of you too. Isn't friendship really a great gift from God ? 

In the Bible there is this story about remarkable friendship,its the story about the crippled man and his four friends.We probably have heard this story a zillion times,but still its a good reminder as to how we can have a radical effect on our friends' life.Yes, 'R-A-D-I-C-A-L' is the correct word to describe this kind of friendship.What other word can describe their intrepidity in breaking open a roof so that Jesus could heal their friend.And Jesus heals the crippled,not because of his(the cripple's) faith but because of his friends' faith.So,today take a moment to think about all your friends and family-members who need Jesus  in their lives.I am sure there are many people in your lives who need the healing(not just physical) touch of the Savior.What are you doing radically different to bring Jesus into their lives ? Are you even doing something ? Pray,ponder and do something....something radical. 

Break open some roofs today.